Judge Staudt’s Teen Court builds community leaders

“Teen Court was a chance for me to make a real and appreciable difference in my community. The program gave me first-hand experience in the justice system I could not have found anywhere else. With that in mind, it goes without saying that without Judge Staudt’s guidance, experience, and expertise, I never would have realized the opportunity to be involved in a program which has, to this day, changed my life for the better.”  Alan Adams, Former Teen Court Student Volunteer


Alan Adams excelled as a student attorney and judge

Alan Adams
Former Student Attorney & Presiding Judge

A pro-life mother’s perspective on Judge Edna Staudt

“A charge frequently leveled at pro-life supporters is that we fight for the pre-born and then forget about them afterwards. Let me introduce you to Judge Edna Staudt, who epitomizes pro-life follow-thru.


“Judge Staudt has served as the Williamson County Justice of the Peace for over 23 years. Not only is Judge Staudt a tireless defender of the pre-born, she is a tireless advocate for teens here in Williamson County.


“When Judge Staudt founded YMCA Teen Court 22 years ago, her purpose was two-fold.


“First, it gave young people in Williamson County an opportunity to learn about our justice through hands-on participation. At Teen Court, young men and women learn the art of jury deliberation as actual jurors. They also learn the roles and serve as court clerks and bailiffs. Once they have demonstrated proficiency in those positions, these young leaders earn the opportunity to train and try out for roles of prosecuting and defending attorneys. Experienced student attorneys are allowed to train and try out to serve as the actual Judge, presiding over sentencing deliberations in very real, Class C misdemeanor cases involving juvenile defendants.


“Second, Teen Court grants a second chance to real-life teen defendants. These juvenile defendants who have had actual court proceedings with Judge Staudt may then have their real case adjudicated tried in Teen Court, with a real, binding consequence handed in by the jury. Defendants who complete the sentence may and then have their fine waived or reduced and their record cleared. What a wonderful example of both justice and mercy! This is exactly what citizens should expect from their justice system.


“As a mother whose children have participated in Teen Court and as a voter in Williamson County, I am very, very pleased with how Judge Staudt has performed in her role.


“I appeal to you, my fellow voters, make the effort to vote today and re-elect Judge Edna Staudt, the only Republican Primary candidate who shares our values.” –  Noel Adams


Judge Staudt values the unborn and is pro-life

Judge Edna Staudt
Endorsed by
Texas Alliance for Life



Williamson County Republican Leaders endorse Judge Edna Staudt

The conservative Williamson County Republican Leaders is the only Republican organization in Williamson county that makes endorsements. The Monday night endorsement meeting required a 2/3 or greater vote of the membership for a candidate to receive the WCRL’s support.

The WCRL voted to endorse Judge Edna Staudt in her re-election to Williamson County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2.

“There is probably no elected official in Precinct 2 that has a more established record of achievement than does Judge Staudt. Her teen court is a model throughout Texas. She understands Precinct 2 like no one else. It is unimaginable to think of supporting anyone other than Justice of the Peace Edna Staudt.”

Mike McCloskey, Senate District 5, State Republican Executive Committee


“When I wanted to get actively involved in choosing our leaders, I worked diligently with the Party that held my values; The Right to life at all stages, the Right to bear arms, the Right to educate and raise my children according to Biblical principals.
I got actively involved in fighting to keep those rights in 1982 and have not stopped, nor will I. The cost of freedom is vigilance. Thank you Williamson County Republican Leaders club for your endorsement.”

Judge Edna Staudt



Upholding individual rights

You! And the 200,000+ other residents of Precinct 2 whom Judge Staudt continues to faithfully serve upholding laws protecting individual rights of “…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.

Mark Collins speaking to teen court

 Defending self-evident truths

Defending and upholding the Constitution

Judge Staudt’s reputation “for being tough but fair” earned her the respect of law enforcement* and ordinary citizens alike. She equally respects those who daily put their lives on the line to preserve your peace, the rule of law, and your rights guaranteed by the Constitution.


Judge Staudt will continue her intense, unrelenting fight to eliminate unjust programs that kick citizens when they are down. One of those is the mis-named and unjust “Texas Driver Responsibility Program”. This scheme was hatched and passed by the Texas Legislature in 2003. Even its lead author, former Representative Mike Krusee, has stated, “I think it’s past time to either revise or repeal the program.”


Judge Staudt publicly called out this tyranny for what it is: “The main problem with this program is the withdrawal of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which is the purpose of government. The role of government is to ensure everyone has those liberties.”


Endorsed by law enforcement

Judge Edna Staudt
*Endorsed by the respected
Round Rock Police Officers Association