The Shattered Dreams Program is hosted by a local high school each year. Along with local law enforcement and emergency services, Judge Staudt participates in this effort to help educate and motivate young men and women to drive responsibly.
Students act out the irresponsible acts of drinking and driving which result in a crash. Some victims are killed and others injured. Shattered Dreams is a sobering program encouraging students to make wise choices that ensure their lives and promote public safety. Partnering with the schools to provide this message is just one of the many ways Judge Staudt gives back to our community by encouraging safety and preventing dreams from being shattered.
“Judge Edna Staudt made a great impact on my life by introducing me to the American justice system and allowing me to play an active role in it through the Williamson County YMCA Teen Court program.
“I was a high school student at the time and had no experience with law enforcement or the court system outside of mock trials in which I had participated. Judge Staudt helped train me and a large number of other young people in what it means to sit on a jury, to interview a defendant as their attorney, and to even serve as the presiding judge in sentencing of juvenile defendants who have plead guilty or no-contendere to real Class C misdemeanors.
“However, the most important aspect of this program for me was when Judge Staudt invited members of law enforcement to speak to us about their responsibilities to the community and the impact their experiences have had on them. I’ll never forget hearing a Williamson County Sheriff’s deputy talk about the challenges he’d faced as an officer of the law and how important it became for him to learn communication skills… skills that would de-escalate a potentially dangerous situation into a non-violent resolution without harm to either party, allowing the officer to return safely home to his family at night.
“Judge Staudt helped shape me into a better citizen. She has a passion for upholding the law and ensuring future generations are equipped to do the same.” Daniel Monroe, Former Student Volunteer
Daniel Monroe Former Student Attorney, Presiding Judge
Judge Staudt’s reputation “for being tough but fair” earned her the respect of law enforcement* and ordinary citizens alike. She equally respects those who daily put their lives on the line to preserve your peace, the rule of law, and your rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Judge Staudt will continue her intense, unrelenting fight to eliminate unjust programs that kick citizens when they are down. One of those is the mis-named and unjust “Texas Driver Responsibility Program”. This scheme was hatched and passed by the Texas Legislature in 2003. Even its lead author, former Representative Mike Krusee, has stated, “I think it’s past time to either revise or repeal the program.”
Judge Staudt publicly called out this tyranny for what it is: “The main problem with this program is the withdrawal of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which is the purpose of government. The role of government is to ensure everyone has those liberties.”
Judge Edna Staudt *Endorsed by the respected Round Rock Police Officers Association
” I endorse Judge Staudt for re-election. She and her staff are very competent. Judge Staudt is highly respected by the law enforcement community”. Constable Rick Coffman, Williamson County Precinct 2
The Shattered Dreams Program is hosted by a local high school each year. Along with local law enforcement and emergency services, Judge Staudt participates in this effort to help educate and motivate young men and women to drive responsibly.
Students act out the irresponsible acts of drinking and driving which result in a crash. Some victims are killed and others injured. This sobering program encourages students to make wise choices that ensure their lives and promote public safety. Partnering with the schools to provide this message is just one of the many ways Judge Staudt gives back to our community by encouraging safety and preventing dreams from being shattered.