by Judge Staudt | Apr 20, 2017 | Blog, Election, Justice of Peace, Uncategorized
When one election cycle ends, another begins. People could get overwhelmed by all the elections, or they could be glad they have a voice in who will make decisions that affect their lives. Our freedom to choose our leaders was bought with a heavy price. It is our duty as Americans to protect and maintain that freedom. All the signs and advertisements are better than the alternative.
Campaign 2018 is up and running with candidates raising money, supporters, and volunteers. Soon it will be time to vote again!

Judge Edna Staudt
As my campaign for re-election in 2018 begins I start with an event at the Cedar Park Recreation Center on April 27th. Friends and family are all welcome. We’ll have a great time of fellowship, food, and live music.
It is my desire to continue to serve the people of Williamson County and the great State of Texas. There are many challenges as Justice of the Peace, however, I look at challenges as opportunities. Many organizations, individuals, and churches have joined me in meeting those challenges. A great staff, family, and friends have supported me and I am grateful. I am blessed.
Thank you for visiting, and come back again!
Judge Edna Staudt
by Judge Staudt | Oct 10, 2014 | Justice, Rights

The right to protect myself is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment. Thomas Jefferson wrote “The strongest reason for the people to keep and retain the right to bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” The Texas Republican Party Platform states its strong agreement with the Constitutional right to bear arms.
by Judge Staudt | Dec 1, 2013 | Misc.
As candidate for Justice of the Peace Edna Staudt is required to either pay a $1000 filing fee or submit a petition with 500 signatures. After months of soliciting signatures, meeting new people, and acquiring new friends, she obtained well over the 500 required signatures! Edna Staudt has officially filed for re-election with the petition in lieu of paying the filing fee. In every campaign since 1994 Staudt has met the requirement to obtain more than the required number of supportive signatures. She is tremendously grateful for supporters, their dedication, and their prayers. She desires to continue to serve the people of Williamson County and the State of Texas and looks forwards to your vote in March and again in November 2014!
by Judge Staudt | Jul 20, 2013 | Misc.

The enVision Conference incorporates a diverse group of speakers, workshops, & resources that educate young adults from all ethnicities, ranging from ages 18-29. The input focuses on how traditional values relate to this generation achieving success. It will provide an environment for networking and building relationships. Young people will leave inspired to reach their potential, connected with individuals who will encourage and help in their endeavors, equipped with information to plan for their future and challenged to take their dreams and plans and put them into action.
I was a speaker at The enVision Conference 2012. Young adults serious about their future or their career options should plan to attend this one day seminar in San Antonio. It might change your life! The conference will provide training for our future leaders. I encourage you to get young people to San Antonio for this one day event on September 28, 2013. You may also visit the website for additional information, testimonies, and costs:

The enVision Conference 2012-Education & Career Options Panel
by Judge Staudt | Apr 18, 2013 | Misc.
The Texas Driver Responsibility Program went into effect in 2003 yet many are still not aware of this Program and more specifically how it will affect them. The program is also referred to as the Point System, however, there are charges over and above what are assessed by points.
For instance, upon paying a citation for an offense of “No Liability Insurance”, you will not only be charged a fine and fee by the respective court, but the court will then send notice to DPS you have a conviction of “No Liability Insurance”. DPS will immediately send notice to you at the address they have for your license that a surcharge is now due to them of $250.00 and you must pay an additional $250.00 each year for the next two years, totaling $750.00. It at any time this fee is past due your license is marked as “Invalid”.
This invalid status is another offense and if stopped by a law enforcement officer you will receive a citation for “Driving While License Invalid”, which will incur a fine and fee from the respective court (up to $500) and when the court reports this conviction to DPS they will send notice that you owe $250.00 now and another $250.00 each year for two years. Upon a 2nd charge of DWLI you will be charged with a Class B Misdemeanor and jailed. This same scenario happens upon the conviction of “fail to secure child in safety seat” and “no driver’s license”. It is the law and it is imperative DPS have your current address.

Judge Edna Staudt
Williamson County Precinct 2
Justice of the Peace