Campaign 2018
When one election cycle ends, another begins. People could get overwhelmed by all the elections, or they could be glad they have a voice in who will make decisions that affect their lives. Our freedom to choose our leaders was bought with a heavy price. It is our duty as Americans to protect and maintain that freedom. All the signs and advertisements are better than the alternative.
Campaign 2018 is up and running with candidates raising money, supporters, and volunteers. Soon it will be time to vote again!

Judge Edna Staudt
As my campaign for re-election in 2018 begins I start with an event at the Cedar Park Recreation Center on April 27th. Friends and family are all welcome. We’ll have a great time of fellowship, food, and live music.
It is my desire to continue to serve the people of Williamson County and the great State of Texas. There are many challenges as Justice of the Peace, however, I look at challenges as opportunities. Many organizations, individuals, and churches have joined me in meeting those challenges. A great staff, family, and friends have supported me and I am grateful. I am blessed.
Thank you for visiting, and come back again!
Judge Edna Staudt