The enVision Conference incorporates a diverse group of speakers, workshops, & resources that educate young adults from all ethnicities, ranging from ages 18-29. The input focuses on how traditional values relate to this generation achieving success. It will provide an environment for networking and building relationships. Young people will leave inspired to reach their potential, connected with individuals who will encourage and help in their endeavors, equipped with information to plan for their future and challenged to take their dreams and plans and put them into action.
I was a speaker at The enVision Conference 2012. Young adults serious about their future or their career options should plan to attend this one day seminar in San Antonio. It might change your life! The conference will provide training for our future leaders. I encourage you to get young people to San Antonio for this one day event on September 28, 2013. You may also visit the website for additional information, testimonies, and costs:

The enVision Conference 2012-Education & Career Options Panel