Williamson County Republican Leaders endorse Judge Edna Staudt

The conservative Williamson County Republican Leaders is the only Republican organization in Williamson county that makes endorsements. The Monday night endorsement meeting required a 2/3 or greater vote of the membership for a candidate to receive the WCRL’s support.

The WCRL voted to endorse Judge Edna Staudt in her re-election to Williamson County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2.

“There is probably no elected official in Precinct 2 that has a more established record of achievement than does Judge Staudt. Her teen court is a model throughout Texas. She understands Precinct 2 like no one else. It is unimaginable to think of supporting anyone other than Justice of the Peace Edna Staudt.”

Mike McCloskey, Senate District 5, State Republican Executive Committee


“When I wanted to get actively involved in choosing our leaders, I worked diligently with the Party that held my values; The Right to life at all stages, the Right to bear arms, the Right to educate and raise my children according to Biblical principals.
I got actively involved in fighting to keep those rights in 1982 and have not stopped, nor will I. The cost of freedom is vigilance. Thank you Williamson County Republican Leaders club for your endorsement.”

Judge Edna Staudt